Complete Chanakya Niti in Hindi PDF


Chanakya was a teacher, philosopher, economist, and statesman who wrote the Indian political base, the ‘Arthashastra’ (Science of Politics and Economics). He also played an important role in the establishment of the Maurya dynasty.

Born in a poor Brahmin family, Chanakya was taught at Takshashila (Presently in Pakistan), an old focus of learning situated in the north-western piece of India. He was an exceptionally scholarly individual having top to bottom information in different subjects like financial matters, legislative issues, war methodologies, medication, and soothsaying. He started his vocation as an educator, and proceeded to turn into a confided in partner of Ruler Chandragupta. Filling in as the sovereign’s counsel, he assisted Chandragupta with toppling the strong Nanda administration at Pataliputra, in the Magadha district and assisted Chandragupta with accomplishing new powers. Chanakya was the counselor for Chandragupta’s child Bindusara too. He has written Chanakya Niti which is very famous and teaches everyone the way of intelligence, knowledge, strategy, politics and many more.

Chanakya Niti in Hindi

File name : Complete-Chanakya-Niti-in-Hindi.pdf

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