New Trader Rich Trader PDF

“New Trader Rich Trader” is the story of New Trader, a fictional character that portrays a young and inexperienced trader just starting in the business and learning the ropes, with the help and mentorship of Rich Trader, a successful veteran trader. New Trader Rich Trader PDF

The Hidden Hindu PDF

The book delves into the profound spiritual wisdom found in Hindu scriptures and texts, uncovering the hidden gems of knowledge that often go unnoticed. It explores the intricate concepts of dharma (duty/righteousness), karma (action and consequence), and moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death), presenting them in an accessible and relatable manner. The … Download

Do It Today PDF

“Do It Today” is a self-help book written by author and productivity expert Darius Foroux. The book offers practical advice and strategies to overcome procrastination, improve time management, and take action towards achieving personal and professional goals. In “Do It Today,” Foroux emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action instead of delaying tasks or projects. … Download

Karma: A Yogi’s Guide PDF

“Karma: A Yogi’s Guide” is a profound exploration of the ancient yogic concept of karma and its significance in our lives and society. The meaning of karma as the law of cause and effect, highlighting its impact on our present circumstances and future experiences. The book introduces readers to the various types of karma, including … Download

Atomic Habits PDF

Learn about the easy and proven way to build good habits and break the bad ones. What’s a habit? If someone were to ask you about your daily habits, you might need some time to think about them. That’s because a habit, by definition, is an act that you perform automatically by instinct. Like when … Download

Energize Your Mind PDF

In this book, bestselling author and life coach Gaur Gopal Das decodes how the mind works. He combines his anecdotal style with analytical research to teach us how to discipline our mind for our greater well-being. Throughout this book, he provides interactive exercises, meditation techniques and worksheets to help us take charge of our mind. … Download

The Hunger Games PDF

The Hunger Games is a novel about Katniss Everdeen, who’s forced to fight other children in an arena. The book takes place in Panem, which was once North America and has limited resources. In order to keep the citizens under control, the government separates them into districts and reinforces class differences. The Hunger Games PDF

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PDF

The Deathly Hallows is about Harry Potter and his friends finding ways to destroy Voldemort. They learn that even good contains a bit of evil, and vise versa. Even though the trio faces many difficulties, they persevere. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PDF